New national survey finds trails influence home purchasesA trail is the second most important neighborhood amenity for home buyers, according to a survey released in April 2002 and conducted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Of 2,000 recent home buyers surveyed over four years, 36 percent responded that trails are an "important" or "very important" feature when determining a community's desirability. Only highway access (44 percent) ranked higher, and 16 other amenities including parks, shopping, nearby day care and business centers, ball fields and security ranker lower. "These survey findings clearly indicate how important trails are to livable communities everywhere,"said Laura Cohen, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's California field office director. "Who wouldn't want to live near a safe, fun and healthful means of transportation that in the process helps preserve beautiful natural areas? As we create more and more trails, there are more and more livable, desirable neighborhoods across the country." Gopal Ahluwalia of NAHB said trail access became a popular amenity within the last five years, and possibly before then. "People want walking and jogging trails,"he said. 'When we do surveys, it ranks up pretty high-in the top five-all the time. The number two ranking of trails was consistent across all regions and demographics of the population." For more information on the trails movement and the benefits of trails, please visit my web site at: dixiewong.realtor.com Click on:See Survey for smart choices for home builders and Article on the benefits of trails. Submitted by Dixie Wong, Associate Broker You may reach me for any of your REAL ESTATE NEEDS including a FREE MARKET ANALYSIS at:269-473-1234 or dixiewong@compuserve.com
Dixie Wong, Realtor |
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